Nahjul BalaghaSayings
Nahjul Balagha Sayings 41 to 50
- This very sense has been related from Imam in the following version: The heart of a fool is in his mouth while the tongue of the wise man is in his heart.
- Imam, peace be upon him, said to one of his companions during his sickness: May Allah make your illness a means for writing off your sins, because there is no reward for sickness but that it erases sins and makes them fall like (dried) leaves. Reward lies in saying by the tongue and doing something with the hands and feet. Certainly, Allah, the Glorified, admits into Paradise by virtue of truthfulness of intention and chastity of heart to whomsoeverHe wishes from among His creatures.
- Imam (a.s.), said about Khabbab ibn al-Aratt. May Allah have mercy on Khabbab ibn al-Aratt since he accepted Islam willingly, immigrated (from Mecca) obediently, remained content with what sufficed him, was pleased with Allah and lived the life of a mujahid (holy soldier).
- Blessed is the person who kept in mind the next life, acted so as to be able to render account, remained content with what sufficed him and remained pleased with Allah.
Even if I strike the nose of a believer with this, my sword, for hating me he will not hate me, and even if I pile all the wealth of the world before a hypocrite (Muslim) for loving me he will not love me. This is because it is a verdict pronounced by the tongue of the revered Prophet, may Allah bless him and his descendants, as he said:
O Ali, a believer will never hate you arid a hypocrite (Muslim) will never love you.
- The sin that displeases you is better in the view of Allah than the virtue which makes you proud.
- The worth of a man is according to his courage, his truthfulness is according to his balance of temper, his valour is according to his self-respect and his chasteness is according to his sense of shame.
- Victory is by determination; determination is by the turning over of thoughts. and thoughts are formed by guarding secrets.
- Fear the attack of a noble person when he is hungry, and that of an ignoble person when he is satiated.
- The hearts of the people are like wild beasts. Whoever tames them, they would pounce upon him