Letter 9
To Muawiya
In this way Obaida bin Harith was killed on the day of Badr, Hamza on the day of Uhud and Jafar on the day of Mauta. One more person whom I can name if you want, desired to seek martyrdom as they did but their deaths had approached while his death had not yet approached. How strange it is that I am being grouped with him who never evinced briskness of pace like me nor he had to his credit any achievement like mine unless he claims something of which I do not know and which I think Allah too does not know.
In regards to your request to hand over to you the murderers of Uthman, I have thought over this matter and I do not find their handing over to you or to someone else possible for me. By Allah, if you do not give up your wrong ways and disruptive acts you would surely know them. They would shortly be seeking you and would not give you the trouble of seeking them in land, sea, mountains or plain. But this search would be painful for you and their visit would not give you happiness. Peace be upon those who deserve it.