Nahjul BalaghaSermons
Sermon 179

Imam sent one of his men to bring him news about a group of the army of Kufa who had decided to join the Kharijites but were afraid of him. When the man came back Imam said to him: "Are they satisfied and staying or feeling weak and going astray?" The man replied, "They have gone away, O' Ameerul Momineen" Then he said:
May Allah's mercy remain away from them like Thamud. Know when the spears are hurled towards them and swords are struck at their heads they will repent of their doings. Surely today Satan has scattered them and tomorrow he will disclaim any connection with them, and will leave them. Their departing from guidance, returning to misguidance and blindness, turning away from truth and falling into wrong is enough (for their chastisement).