
I'm a child who's lost his home
who's lost his friends and family
The only thing I have left is my life
and the place which was left for me
For me to protect because it's Holy
In the name of God I shall strive
I have the right to fight against "them"
I will fight, even if it means death, even if I don't survive
I don't know if I'll live by tomorrow
For tomorrow isn't promised to no one
But for me it's a different situation
Every corner you look is death, here it's simply done
I see strangers crashing through our houses
I see them hurting my sister and my friend
Innocent people who cry for help
Who are afraid for each other from "them"
Every child has fear in its eyes
They grew up with it, love and joy they know not
They try to hide their fear with their angry faces
But they are children, they’re afraid no doubt
I am afraid too, I am afraid they'll take my life
I am afraid I'll let my parents down
I wont give up I will not
For the rest of my life I will fight
Who knows how long I have?
Who knows if I make it to the next minute?
Stones and hands are all I got
With whatever I have I will fight
One day I will be able to pray in Masjid Al Aqsa freely
With my head held up high
With my people celebrating one day in joy
And having their right to live under a secure sky
They will be able to rejoice their Lord however they wish
Without being controlled, used and abused by "them"
They will be able to flourish in peace
They will build their family trees stem by stem
Although we have fear we shall strive
For the dreams we build for our future generation
They will carry our quest in protecting
No more death and no more of destroying God's creation
Our lives have one significance right now
It’s to protect our loved ones and our home
We are afraid, yet we are brave
And we’ll fight for secure skies on top of The Rock of Dome!